Thursday, February 26, 2009

Already Friday?

Yes, tomorrow is Friday! Wow, quick week. I think we'll be working a little bit on Saturday, but only a shortened day. I have a few things in mind that I want to see/do this weekend including the Night Safari at the zoo!


A word about Politics...

On one hand, I feel very detached from the U.S. – the news, the markets, the politics... – but on the other hand, it’s kind of crazy because no matter what part of the globe I go to, I always hear about our President, our pop culture, our economy, etc. The crisis is a global one, and even Singapore is talking about it. Whether it's NBC news, BBC news, or any of the newspaper publications sitting on my hotel room doorstep, everyone's talking about Obama.

Obama’s got the whole world in his hands.

No pressure. :)

In other news, I went over to Suntec Mall last night to walk around, do some shopping, and grab some dinner. The mall has some fabulous stores! I didn’t have a lot of time so I’ll have to go back later to really shop. Then again, I haven’t really felt like buying clothes lately – I am saving for my big move across the pond (whenever that may be). Accessories on the other hand are wonderful... I like looking through my jewelry and recalling the story or time/place behind any of my pieces.

And in further news, I am almost done with Eat, Pray, Love.

Yes, it takes me MONTHS to read a novel because 1.) I am an extremely slow reader 2.) I get impatient and can’t spend “hours” reading and 3.) I am busy. Rarely have time to read...
But I only have about 15 pages left and let me just say, that if you haven’t read it, add it to your list!!! Also, fun fact – The author, Elizabeth Gilbert, was named one of the 100 Most Influential People in the World, by Time Magazine in 2008. wow!


Missy Bailey said...

Little did I know when I bought that book that it would travel to Singapore. Wish I could have gone with it! :) It's a great story and maybe you can identify with Elizabeth in a way - being the adventurous traveler that you are!

The Mommyhood Project | Cortney Galster said...

Ooooh that book was sooo good. And I hear you on the reading/time issue...Us adults pretty much only get fun reading time when we travel these days!