Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Food for Thought

Well I’m at DFW airport waiting to leave for Tokyo. I really don’t understand why I have to be here 2 hours in advance for an international flight. I’m absolutely exhausted and I haven’t even left Dallas yet! This is due to the fact that I’ve gotten 4-6 hours of sleep each night over the last 4 nights… staying out too late, stressing about my flight, stressing about packing, stressing about sleeping through the 2 alarms that I set this morning, and finally feelings of excitement/anticipation. Luckily I have 23 hours to sleep! I decided that Tylonal PM was not going to do it for me this time. Nope, I needed something stronger so I thought I’d give Ambien a try. My British friends tell me that Americans are way too self-medicated. So true. So true. Haha. So I’m armed with my sleeping pills and ready to rock. Mom, I know you warned me that people can die from taking these. Rest assured though that I will not be operating any large machinery while in my Ambien-induced coma. This also got me thinking about death. Statistically speaking, I wonder if I’m increasing my chances of being in a plane crash since I fly so much? Hmm. I guess that’s the risk that I take. Then again, this is how I feel about death.
When it’s my time
Then it’s my time
I’m not really worried
I know where I’m going.
No point in worrying about it. Whether I die at 24 or 104, there’s not much I can do about it… besides preventative measures like a healthy diet, exercise, etc of course.
But if I were to die in the sky
I would just hope it would be quick
And you know what
I think I would die
Let’s hope I get to Singapore without any troubles though!

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