Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm headed to Singapore!

Welcome back friends and family! In lieu of the most recent events, I will be starting up my blog again. But first, I thought I’d do a quick recap from my last post until now since it's been awhile. Lots of fun-filled adventures to report...

First off, London was amazing. I know I rarely posted updates, but that's because I was so busy having fun! I enjoyed the city so much in fact that I plan on moving there once the opportunity presents itself. Whether that be 6 months from now or 6 years, I do not know. There's just so much to do... salsa dancing, live jazz, amazing architecture, great clubs, Broadway shows, incredible shopping, tons of super fun British people... awesome city. Can't wait to go back.

After returning from London, I hit the beach. And by the beach, I mean the bench. I sat on the sidelines un-staffed for a couple weeks, which was actually a nice change. I found several things to help out with though so by no means was I bored, but I got to enjoy a nice work-life balance. I also had some time-off planned for a lovely trip to New York with some fabulous friends and fellow Deloitters! Nancy was interviewing with Stern so why not make a weekend out of it? I am so proud of her - she is dominating the grad school application process! Here are some pictures from the long weekend:

The shopping tour through the garment district was fabulous... highly recommended. I got some amazing jewelry for a great deal and Elana got, well, a ton of awesome things including a coat from Paris for $200 that retails for $900. Here's the website if you want to go: The Elegant Tightwad

We celebrated Nancy's birthday first with cupcakes from Magnolia's Bakery, and then a night out in NYC that started off at the Comedy Cellar. Minus the fact that the waitress spilled a whole tray of pink drinks all over us and our table, it was a good show. Funny comedians!

Of course after a night of heavy drinking, late-night food at 3am is a must. Elana and I dined at Cafeteria - a 24 hour restaurant that serves absolutely delicious food. I think it's even Rachel Ray recommended.

and a trip to New York would not be complete without seeing Mary! and Katie Egan too! Mary joined Elana and I on Saturday for the Sex and the City tour - a tour that takes you all over New York pointing out scenes from the show and movie, and showing clips as you go. We also hit up a winebar in the Lower East Side called, well, Winebar. Such a creative name. The above picture though is from the beer bar that we went to called Spitzer's. Oh and we had brunch at the Mercer hotel on Sunday... delish!

Ok back to the present. I was asked back to my old project on Saturday and long story short, I leave for Singapore tomorrow morning. 23 hours of flying time plus a 3 hour layover in Tokyo. Definitely the longest flight I've ever taken!

As tradition whenever I leave Dallas for a long period of time, I enjoyed some American things over the weekend… Starbucks, Eatzi's, DRIVING, more Starbucks, etc. I also tried a new frozen yogurt place in Dallas called Yogilicious since Elana had raved about it for umm every day since she's tried it. The website actually calls it a "Dessert Lounge" ooo fancy schmancy. You walk in, self-serve to fro-yo and toppings, and pay by the weight. Check it out if you haven't yet! It's in West Village on the other side of Blackburn.

Well, it was a fun little evening up until we couldn’t find Allison’s car – only to find out that it was towed from my apartment complex! Note-to-self: going to the impound lot at 10pm is not-so-safe. It was in the middle of nowhere where the land is cheap and the boogie monsters are probably hiding behind every tree (or navy blue G35). $144 later, we got blueberry back (yep, that’s her name haha). And we (luckily) made it back to the bubble safe and sound!

Alrighty back to my main point... I am going to Singapore tomorrow and thus, this blog will be the communication link between me and all my fave people back in the states (and/or Europe). I'll have my cell though if there are any big updates where a phone call is necessary! It's just a bit expensive to chat... more so than when I was in Europe. So how did this all come about... well as my mom says, sometimes we need to be careful what we wish for. As many of you know, I started off 2009 with one new year’s resolution. No, it wasn’t to lose weight or eat healthier or budget better like many of the traditional American resolutions. It was to be more spontaneous! I actually do not enjoy being spontaneous since I like to be able to PLAN my every move, but the goal here was to jump completely out of my comfort zone and just enjoy living. living hard. So there I was. Late Saturday afternoon on Valentine's day and my old manager emails me requesting that I fly to Singapore as soon as possible for a previous client, and that I would be there for a month. what? huh? how really am I going to pull this off??? but I have plaaaaans. And that's the thing about being spontaneous, you pretty much don't have plans or you scratch the plans you have for new plans and new adventures. So first I was uncomfortable and unsure, but now that it's sunk in, I'm excited!

I have never been anywhere in the Asia Pacific so this should be quite the adventure. In trying to explain Singapore, one of my friends said it is like “New York on steroids.” Well, I love love love New York so this should be good. And for those of you wondering where exactly Singapore is located on a map, here ya go:

I don't know much about the country, but I do know that it's incredibly safe and incredibly clean. In fact, you can eat off the subway floors. As far as the crime, there is none because there is zero (ZERO) tolerance for anything disrupting the peace. If you bring drugs in, prepare to get hung. If you litter, you'll get caned. If you have a weapon, they'll kill you. The laws are very strict! I hope I don't get caned...
As far as everything else, I don't know much. I didn't even get any Singapore dollars yet. I'm winging it! I do know though that I will be staying here:
Swissotel Stamford
Also, the time difference (from U.S. Central Time) is 14 hours. Yes, I will be half way around the world.

I'll check in with everyone when I get over there!


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