Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Found the Bench!

A quick update from London... I know I have not been good about letting you all know what I have been up to, where I have been in the city, how much fun I have been having, etc., but rest assured that I have been busy and I am loving it! I got up today and decided I would venture out to find the Hornblow bench. It was quite the treasure hunt. I first thought Grovesner Park was the right park until I realized none of the benches said Hornblow on them and that I really wasn't at the right spot after all. I eventually found it though based on the landmarks that Caroline provided me with. Here is a video I took!

After I found the bench, I walked down Park Lane and toward Knightsbridge. Visited the huge Harvey Nichols and Harrod's sales. Very overwhelming. Sales were good, but a lot of things were still quite expensive (i.e. Burberry purse that I liked: originally $3000, on sale for $1200 or something) haha. So I mainly just window-shopped. I've found that the clothes in London are either really cheap [fabric and cheap-looking] or incredibly expensive. Still searching for that happy medium...

Also - on two different occasions today, people asked me for directions. First, a British lady was looking for the Dorchester. I was able to give her good directions! Then, an American couple approached me and I was able to lead them in the right direction. They wanted to go to the Hard Rock cafe. Typical Americans. haha.

Additionally - visited London Business School yesterday.

It's awesome. I may just be moving to London. First I went to the tour of the school and brief info session - every Monday and Friday at 3pm - found this on the website. It was a small group of about 5 of us. Most had already been given an offer and were just checking out the school. The school is literally 2 tube stops away from my hotel at Marble Arch (had to switch trains once). LBS is relatively small at around 320 people per class size, 25% women, but it would give me the perfect global MBA experience - should that be what I want. So the tour/info session was 1.5 hrs long and then it just so happened that they also had an Admissions meeting later that evening. What are the chances? I think these are offered about 3 times between Jan and May. So I went back for the Admissions meeting where they talked about getting in, had a short mock class on Fixed Income, had a panel of 5 current students and alum, and a Q&A. So for the panel, there is a a German girl, an Italian guy, a girl from Holland, a guy from the U.S., and a British guy. We get into the panel and the American guy mentions that he went to a small college in MN for undergrad - St. Olaf!! He then moved to NYC for work, and is now in his first year at LBS. Seems like a great school. The average age though is a little higher than schools in the U.S. at around 29. And it would be more expensive than any other school I'm looking at in the U.S. Ok gotta get going... ttyl!


Mom said...

LUUUUUUUUUUUV the video!!! And now I'm thinking I should just be thankful you are living as close as Texas! :) xoxo

Rocky Shore said...

I loved the video too! Thanks for taking us with you to visit the bench. It was really, really fun! Hope you take us on another trip!

The Mommyhood Project | Cortney Galster said...

Haha I love the video! Looks like London was as much of a blast as you said. If you're moving there, I'd better start packing my bags for a visit...

The Mommyhood Project | Cortney Galster said...

You should post even when you're not abroad :) that way I get all the details on your life...or maybe that's kind of weird?