Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Day 1

I have arrived. And I’ve even made it through day one which is usually the hardest day when traveling internationally. It seems as if Wednesday came and went in a flash which is no surprise since I was en route to the Netherlands for 12 hours (including an hour and a half layover in Memphis) and on top of that, I lost 7. For some reason, I was a little nervous before the flight. Pre-flight jitters maybe? It was a weird feeling since I fly every week, but I think I was just worried about the trip from every angle. Luckily I got two seats to myself on the plane and was able to lie down for most of the ride and even sleep a bit. We landed around 10:30am Netherlands time and once I got off the plane, I bee-lined it straight to the bathroom to change into my work clothes and freshen up before cabbing it to the office (my boss had already called me asking if I was on my way or what). I luckily brought along a refreshing Evian travel spray for face and/or body... have you seen this stuff? I think it says on the bottle that it “moisturizes, tones, and refreshes,” but I don’t think it’s any secret ingredient except water. Nonetheless, it did the trick (can't really explain it so here's a pic)

After brushing my teeth and applying some light makeup, I looked good as new again (or at least presentable). Who says I’m high maintenance???

I went over to the “baggage hall” as they say in Holland and was so happy to see that my luggage had made it safely. I think I actually packed light. Yes, it was 60 pounds and yes, I had to pay 50 extra bones to get it there, but I am so prepared for any and all weather and activities, and yes, I DO need 3 pairs of boots, and I even put a little duffel bag in there in case I do any weekend excursions. So I'm exiting Schipol and the only Starbucks in the Netherlands is at the Schipol airport, but lo and behold with my massive suitcase, backpack, briefcase, and purse, I did not have an extra hand for a latte :( Dutch coffee at the office it will be.

I grabbed a taxi and was off to Amersfoort. It was probably a 30 minute drive and cost me $130 euro! Yep, I am definitely in Europe. Luckily, the day went by rather quickly as there was a ton to do so I didn’t have a chance to realize how badly I needed a shower and a nap. I stopped briefly for lunch with my client boss, at the café and it was exactly how I had remembered it months earlier – small, plain, boring, and sometimes gross, but good enough considering the alternatives (a Home Depot sandwich shop, McDonalds, or Ikea).

Now I’m back at my hotel which by the way is cute and comfy (better than the Hilton in Soest) and I'm completely exhausted, but adjusting to it all. I have done quite the 180 from under a week ago when I was asked (read: told) that I would be in the Netherlands for 5 weeks. I may have broken down in tears and contemplated all the excuses in the world to keep me in the U.S., but I am ok with it now. I would even venture to say that I am looking forward to the next few weeks. I think I take change really well when I can prepare for it, but this was so unexpected and out-of-the-blue, and I don’t appreciate when things pop up that I can’t plan for, especially if it means clearing my calendar for 5 weeks and giving up things that I've already committed to or gotten myself excited for. Then again, I know that God does not always give us what we want, but he does give us what we need. So maybe this is exactly what I need…
Until tomorrow.. good night!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey sis! Cool blog! I'm excited to track your adventures overseas, and will stay tuned. Hang in there. Can't wait to see u over thanksgiving!

Allison said...

Does that McDonald's have the salads that they have on the American menu? I think that's what I'd pick if I have the food choices you mentioned above

Random 1L said...

You should post a pic of your cab driver, he was a real hottie :) Hope you're having fun over there--I'm jealous!

PS It's Porter, but my name shows up as Random1L for some reason...

The Mommyhood Project | Cortney Galster said...

I love that evian spray! Can't wait to read all about your travels :)