Sunday, November 30, 2008

Gobble Gobble

Forgot to mention in my earlier post that I’ve changed my URL. It is no longer I randomly clicked on that site the other day, after I had changed it to and found that my previous address has already been put to use, displaying a selection of incredibly odd, semi-inappropriate videos. I don’t know who’s the author behind the content, but it just goes to show that there are some weird people out there!! Anyway, just be sure to go to the new URL: Laura B’s Adventures (super creative, I know)

In other news.....

Happy belated Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all participated in national stuff-yourself-silly day and took time to reflect on all that you are thankful for... food on the table, a warm home, friends & family, a steady job, good health... yes, we are all so lucky. And speaking of luck, I am lucky to have been able to be in MN for the holiday. I felt guilty for about a nano-second since many of my colleagues were staying on-site in The Netherlands and working but I needed a break and darn-it, I deserve it! I arrived in the states on Wednesday and after an interesting experience trying to get through customs (which is a story in itself) the guards finally let me through. I was exhausted of course, but couldn’t miss out on dinner with Caroline & Michael and the fam at Lord Fletchers so what do I do? Get a cappuccino of course and I’m good to go! The walleye was fabulous and what a treat. Thanks C&M! and oooh I will definitely be reading up on my guidebooks that yall got me! (Say a prayer that I will get a weekend off to explore :) )

Then it was Thanksgiving which was delish. My schedule for the day: rest, relax, eat, relax, rest, repeat. Love it. I used my willpower to not check work email and just enjoy the day and I did well for the most part. Ok maybe a couple slip-ups. haha.

Friday was of course national shopping day, also known as black friday. I woke up at 4am since I was still extremely jet-lagged. I waited for mom to get up at 6 and we were at the mall around 8! Let’s just say that we did our parts to stimulate the economy. I hope you all did your parts as well. We need to kick some serious recession butt and the only way to do that is to start spending! Of course we did not go overboard, but I did find some amazing things at Banana. And at 40% off on outerwear, cashmere, and more, you really can’t go wrong. I also enjoyed a starbucks grande xtra-hot skinny caramel latte. mmm. It was a wonderful day and some much-needed mother-daughter time :)

Saturday... spa day! ok spa morning, but still. Cort and I had 8:30am massage appointments at the Aveda institute. After our rub-downs, we grabbed a light breakfast and finally got a chance to catch up which consisted of laughing for a few hours since life is, well, so funny sometimes and even when it’s not, you just gotta laugh. Oh and we decided that we are taking snow boarding lessons together around Christmas. Will we be any good? Time will tell! But first things first, she is leaving for vay-cay in Aruba in 1 week! so jelly. And btw, she has a super cool blog HERE. She is probably the girliest girly girl I know, yet she's a walking sports encyclopedia. Like you know how guys can name sports statistics or list so-and-so's name, team, jersey number, position and complete bio out of thin air? She can do that!! It's craziness. Read her blog and you'll see what I mean.

Anyway, it's after 9pm and well past my bedtime... yawn. I am so lame, but yes I am serious. It’s my attempt to stay on (near) euro-time. bye!

1 comment:

The Mommyhood Project | Cortney Galster said...

You're too funny! Soooo glad we got to catch up this weekend...don't work TOO hard this week :-)