Thursday, September 2, 2010

My flat: part dos

I’m finally settled into my flat at 5 Brunswick Mews. Loving my flat and my new ‘hood. It’s a short walk from all the amenities including TONS of adorable cafes, a street lined with authentic Lebanese cuisine, Marble Arch and Hyde park a couple blocks away, Pret A Manger and Starbucks down the street, Waitrose and Tesco grocery stores… and the list goes on. It really is the lovely charming 4-bedroom flat that I share with 3 other MBA 2012 students: 2 guys and a girl. It’s a Brazilian (from Brazil), an Egyptian (from Egypt), a New Yorker, and me. I feel oh-so-European as a flat-share like this is quite common abroad.

Since the flat came unfurnished, we rented the big items, but one thing was evident: we had to go to IKEA. What better way to bond with the new flatmates than a trip to IKEA? As fun as it is to move in and get situated, I was dreading the trip to IKEA. You always end up spending way more time than allocated, way more money than anticipated, and way more stuff than you really need. But off we went in search of select items that would fit our student budgets…

A successful trip indeed and 700 quid later, they delivered everything to our door step that night. Sa-weeeet.

My hands may still be raw from building Swedish furniture, but the outcome was quite nice…

Plenty of room for visitors indeed! So glad I brought my 1000 thread count sheets, West End duvet, and heavenly pillow with me from the states. What a pain to schlep them over but I am thankful every night I sink into my bed. This city makes me so tired, and I am happy to report that I have been sleeping like a rock every night – no ambien needed – and the lovely mews that we are in protects us from the noise of the thousands of tourists shopping on nearby Oxford Street or the echoes of Hyde Park/Speaker’s Corner.

So the boys. They crack me up. I think the Egyptian had maid service of some type his whole life because he does not know how to use an oven. I looked over at the oven the other night and sitting in there was a dinner plate of food. He had put his dinner on a plate and proceeded to cook it in the oven ON the dinner plate! I laughed for a good 20 minutes. He looked perplexed.

Another thing I find funny. They slip their shoes off immediately at the steps {see photo}. Wouldn’t want to waste any time putting them neatly to the side right? After all, b-school is all about time management!

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