Wednesday, December 10, 2008

An Amsterdam First

Tuesday night, I did something that I had not done in a

Drum roll please.

I worked out.

Granted it was not the best of efforts since there was only 1 treadmill which was being hogged the whole time I was there (learn some gym etiquette people!), but it was an attempt nonetheless. I really can’t remember the last time I went to the gym which is sad since I used to be a gym rat. It did feel good to get back in there, lifting some weights, and getting my heart rate up. However, I still longed for a breezy run outdoors or a blade down the katy trail, hair blowing in the fresh air. The gym wasn’t bad though considering that it was after all a hotel gym. I paid the $13.5 euro to get in (ugh) and racked my brain, trying to remember the ol’ gym routine. The weights really threw me off though since they were not in pounds. Kilograms maybe? All I know is that what I lift in pounds was much more than the number on the weights that I lifted. Or maybe my muscles have shrunk considerably!

In other news…
We were told Saturday is a work day.
Not sure yet if that means I have to work.
We were also told that Friday, Dec. 19th is a work day.
I am flying back that day. In the morning.
We were asked to look into changing our flight for the following day.
I’m going to pretend that conversation never happened.

This Saturday may be a work day, but I am going to Belgium Saturday evening - Sunday!

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